The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

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The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by BaggyTrousers »

Great empires come and go, what at a moment in time seems impregnable falls into decay given time, it’s always been that way.

I think of Shelley’s magnificent poem “Ozymandias” for the most wonderful demonstration of the fact:

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things.
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

So ends all empires. The omnipotent King, mocked in life by the sculptor, is further mocked by one of the last remnants of his life’s endeavours mocking his proud boasts in death.

The once all powerful Roman empire vanished like snow off a ditch after a period of dominance & lest we forget in more recent times the British Empire where once the sun never set, crumbled to little but the rump of The Commonwealth as a reminder of former “glories”.

Then of course there was the Mexican Empire or more accurately empires, maybe not as celebrated as some but a major factor in the development of the Americas. Of course pre-Cortez the killer, the Aztec Empire was the final “Mexican” empire following the Toltecs & Mayans and Mexico City is built on the site of the heart of the Aztec empire.

Following the long period of Spanish rule Mexico gained independence and once more empire building came into play and at its height Mexico extended to include most of Central America and to the north the States of Texas, California, New Mexico and parts of Arizona & Colorado.

Today it appears the trend is not Mexico expanding but its citizens trying to get the hell out of Dodge.

So what is this all about? Think, 19th May, when another Mexican Empire will fall. :mexican:

Our “friends” from “south of the border, down Mexico way” are indeed as impressive in their dominance as any previous rugby empire. To most they appear to be on the brink of doing what no other team has done, winning 3 HCs in 4 years. They are favourites too to do what only Toulouse Wasps & Leicester have ever done, the double of HC & National Title.

So are they stitched on to overwhelm Ulster & make Heineken history? Victory will make this the greatest team in Heineken Cup history though not yet the greatest club, Toulouse reign supreme so far for achievement over the full life of the Heineken.

Certainly the Mexican’s league performance in the Rabo Direct marks them out as the finest squad for let’s not forget that this was a world cup season and one where the teams with the deepest squads have had the advantage.

As such Glasgow’s achievement in making the top four is quite remarkable and well deserves a mention in passing. That they have done it with a young squad, all the more impressive. They have a limited game based on defence as a quick shuftie at their statistics bares out. No team have played in games where less points have been scored, from memory.

Back to Mexico and their quality squad, yes they have star names a plenty but when you consider their back up players, McFadden, O’Malley, young Kearney, Carr, Conway, Ian Madigan, Toner, Dominic Ryan. Then you look at the positions where it is uncertain who is the starter & who is the back-up – scrum half, props, hookers. It’s formidable; indeed you could say scary if it was a case of besting them over a season.

What fills the Northern soul with joy is that this is 15 v 15 plus subs. Our best against their best and then things begin to look a tad brighter for this is no cold calculating look at the league table and work out your permutations, who to play & who to rest. This is the shoot-out at the OK Corral, eyeball to eyeball and that is why Mexico may be favourites but this will be no foregone conclusion.

Its perhaps less certain who will start for Leinster than Ulster, we know who are best XV are, if all are fit then there is no chance of a surprise selection, its set in stone:

15 Stephan Terblanche – arrived after much faffing about with language tests and all manner of hoops to jump through, you’d never have thought he had “worked” in the UK for a few years in Newport. The wait was worth it in spades as we have seen a very calm figure mainly as 15 and a superbly fit veteran who will have imparted so much of value to the squad. Replacement players are often peripheral to the team, shirt fillers more often than not but he has become a remarkably important figure and a man who will be remembered by Ulster fans long after his short Ulster “career” finishes.

14 Andy Trimble – magnificent in 2011 who has had a quietish time over the last few months, but & it’s a big BUT, come the big game we all know he will be breathing fire & there is a guy playing for the opposition that you just know Andy would love to give a fat lip. More importantly he’d like to dump the nasty wee ballix on his ass as he cruises over for a try.

13 Darren Cave – the best rugby brain in the young generation, excellent defensive organiser and a very good eye for cutting a line for himself or to set up others. A brave tackler and has a real eye for where to be at the right time. He can regularly be seen directing other players in defence. Finally he will have a classic video to watch in his dotage for his hit on Jim Thompson in the meat of the semi-final when tackles needed to be made.

12 Paddy Wallace – comfortably Paddy’s best season for a good while, possibly ever. A man who was pushed from pillar to post in almost as many positions as Nigel Brady!!! Paddy has been the fine wine of the Ulster team, the 2012 vintage is one who has matured into an outstanding all-round inside centre, without doubt the best in the country. He can kick, his tackling is better than ever indeed he has become a physical player well capable of holding his own in heavy traffic and has the eye for a gap and the timing of pass that have always been strengths.

11 Craig Gilroy – a young player who announced himself with a flurry of tries last season, raw around the edges, constantly being directed in defence by Darren Cave but a guy who is learning. I would struggle to recall many players more certain under the high ball this season. His great try in the quarter-final against Turnipstan at Thomond, where the departing Ian Humphreys became the only player in history to be on two winning HC sides there, will live in the memory for some time. He had few opportunities in the semi, no better time to put that right.

10 Paddy Jackson – this is the one position where there could be any measure of discussion about who fills the shirt, but given iHumph’s defensive history against Leinster it is almost inconceivable that it will be anyone but the young ginger maestro who has come from next to nowhere in the Ulster season to become the new man & the man for the future. He played a very decent game against Mexico a few weeks back, was solid if not spectacular in the semi-final. The bonus is this is a 10 who will make his tackles.

9 Ruan Pienaar – the only suitable word to describe Ruan is “class”, it’s in everything he does. NO more need be said.

8 Pedrie Wannenburg – tragically this will be Pedrie’s final game for Ulster & boy will he be missed, a man who some have taken an awfully long time to appreciate and a man who works harder than any other 8 I have seen in years. Not a man to showboat, not a man to ruffle an opponent’s hair when they screw up, not a man like thon Mexican Heaslip to be a “profile sportsman”, what he is is an honest tough player who gives everything in every game. If Ulster knock Mexico off their fecking perch, Pedrie will have earned his medal through the sweat of his brow.

Once more unto the breach, dear Pedrie.

7 Chris Henry (subject to fitness) - Chris has become a vital component of our back-row, a tireless worker who has successfully changed from a 6/8 to a modern 6.5/7. There can be few who have made more tackles this year or covered more ground. He is the sort of man who you can’t imagine ever leaving Ulster. No rugby for some weeks now but if fit he will not be found wanting.

6 Stevie Ferris – Stevie, 1F, Fez call him what you like but he will be prominent killing dead things and hitting the living to send them on their way. Pretty quiet game in the semi – saving himself for something special?

5 Dan Tuohy - a man who will want a huge performance. With POC injured this is like a job interview for Big Dan to fill his boring summer’s day with a trip to NZ. He is capable of competing with the best and with Thorn he gets his chance. He has the ability and if Ulster are to win the front 5 have to win their battles.

4 Johannes Gysbert Muller – that’s Johann to you mate. A leader, no THE leader.

3 John Afoa – having had a little rest you suspect Big John will be in the mood to rip Cian Healy a new one and get Van der Merve on as early as possible to rid us of Healy’s threat as a ball carrier which is central to the Mexican’s game.

2 Rory Best – in the form of his life this year. I suspect that he has only realised just how good he really is. I’ve always said false modesty is sinful. :wink:

1 Tom Court – given TC’s last Twickenham experience I suspect Tom will be wanting to show the world & its mother just what a good LH (that’s LH) he is. In my opinion Fat Ross wimped out on his last Twickenham visit to let someone else take the pain/blame. Give that yella barsteward plenty Tom, no better time to put things right.

So there you have it, the men who will rend the Mexican empire asunder, rid Europe of the scourge of D4 bandwagoners who only sing when their winning.

So how will Ulster do it? A week or two back I suggested in a rash moment that we would not beat Leinster by safety first, defend and take your points, that we needed the younger Humph to give a bit of inspiration to crack their defense.


This game will be won by a mixture of taking our points and tackling as if winning the Heineken Cup depends on it, because that’s exactly what it will take, defending our line as we did in Thomond Park. That and winning the battle in the front five.

The cracks are there, they are an outstanding rugby team, they are not unbeatable. They have key players who are carrying injuries, Kearney’s back needs an early test, BOD needs Fez running at into & over him, no easy task but no better man for the job. Last night at the RDS they took a few uncomfortable looking bits of damage, remains to be seen if there is anything to them.

Healy and Ross badly need it put up to them time & again. Ross is not the man some take him for , this year he has been less effective than in the last 2 or 3 culminating in his cowardice at Twickenham (remember he played for Leinster the following week) I reckon he is there for the taking if TC believes in himself. Their 2nd row are hardier ould hoors but they have not much dynamism about them, Tuohy can show the way, get them on the back foot.

The back rows are fairly evenly matched, our front five are better, if the back row come out even or ahead we are in the driver’s seat. The pack will win the match, how we do it depends largely on what we do with the ball they give us. I’ll be happy with Ruan kicking penalties all day.

For the first time since Alan Lewis last reffed us against Munster before his retirement we will have an impartial ref against an Irish team. Nigel may get things wrong, may not reward the scrum as Poite might but he is a fair ref and a good one. An even crack of the whip is all you can ask – no George Clancy in sight.

So we have the tools, we have a ref who is not a twisted bigot, we need the support to be unwavering.

Time is short, no point in trying to encourage fanciful new chants, songs, whatever – its Stand Up for the Ulstermen, first, last and always.

If you’ve never been to a HC final, there are rugby people there in their team’s colours and we want them onside. It’s easy, the unattached can quickly become attached, the average Brit will give the underdog first call on their services, no difficulty in learning the words of Stand Up. In my visions I see & hear Twickahs reverberating to “Stand up”, it’s up to every Ulsterman woman & child to make it happen.

If you‘ve a Tiger on you flank, encourage him to join in. If you’ve a Saint in some heavenly height in the stadium, poke him until he joins our heavenly choir, if you’ve a Quin at your side, tell him Darren plays for Quins – join us. Tell that Sarrie that you personally know Paddy Johns and supported them in the final where they stuffed Wasps. If you’ve a Weegie or a citizen of auld Reekie tell them you’re an Ulster-Scot, that we are related. If you’ve a Frenchman tell him you admire his wife’s taste in men & she’s none too shabby either. If he is a Clermont fan so much the better, we have shared each other’s hospitality. If he is Welsh, oh how we love your singing, boy do we love hymns, I’d love to hear a Welsh male voice choir belt out “Stand Up.”

It’s your job to get the neutrals behind Ulster, Munster did it in Caaaadiff twice, Leinster will know the score, HC Final virgins, learn quickly, befriend those beside you, it will help, it can make a difference.

Not long now.
NEVER MOVE ON. Years on, I cannot ever watch Ireland with anything but indifference, I continue to wish for the imminent death of Donal Spring, the FIRFUC's executioner of Wee Paddy & Wee Stu, and I hate the FIRFUCs with undiminished passion.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Jackie Brown »

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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Rovi Snave »

Hi all,

First post - long time lurker.

Baggy - Brilliant post - doing my bit - adopted two Edinburgh supporters at semi - meeting them in London with my mates and bringing along two Ulster Shirts for them to wear - they've already learnt SUFTUM :D :D :D
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Neil F »

Rovi Snave wrote:they've already learnt SUFTUM :D :D :D
Intensive, three-week course, was it? :salut:

I think Baggy needs a new board name; The Pleonast would suit nicely, I think... The more succinct version is that on the day, it is 15 v 15 and our first XV, fully fit, should fear no one. Ulster need to bring a game plan that favours the positions in which Ulster bring more than Leinster; sadly, I think, this is really only the front five; across the board, Leinster's other units are at least a match for Ulster, despite Ulster having the individuals in certain positions. Ulster need to build on the platform set up by the front five; that is the only place where Ulster can win this game, to my mind.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Rovi Snave »

Neil F wrote:Intensive, three-week course, was it?
Nope - they received intensive instruction from 40,000+ Ulster supporters over a 2 hour period - learned pretty quick for Scotsmen :duck: :duck: :duck:

Good lads :D
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Rooster »

Know a few Tiggers fans who are going and they are all supporting Ulster as even though we kicked their arses around Ravenhill they reckon there is at least a bit of kudos in being spanked by the eventual winners, eases their pain a bit :salut:
They also reckoned just about every other English fan their will be on Ulsters side since they took great delight in Ulster whipping the Tigers at Ravenhill :lol: :lol: :lol: feck it's a funny old world :red:
>TM should mostly be on our side as well as they hate :mexican: more than :red:
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by big mervyn »

Rovi Snave wrote:Hi all,

First post - long time lurker.

Baggy - Brilliant post - doing my bit - adopted two Edinburgh supporters at semi - meeting them in London with my mates and bringing along two Ulster Shirts for them to wear - they've already learnt SUFTUM :D :D :D
Great bit of missionary work Rovi - conquer and convert; hearts and minds.

Good stuff Baggy.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Big-al »

Rooster wrote: >TM should mostly be on our side as well as they hate :mexican: more than :red:
Wouldn't be so sure about that. Most of them will be prefering Leinster.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by breakdown »

Brilliant post Baggy, our XV should fear no one!
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by bangorboy »

Big-al wrote:
Rooster wrote: >TM should mostly be on our side as well as they hate :mexican: more than :red:
Wouldn't be so sure about that. Most of them will be prefering Leinster.
Due in some small part to your wumming on no doubt!!
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by tigerburnie »

What I like about baggy is his passion for his team,that can never be doubted,talks a lot of rubbish,but passionate rubbish.
Good luck lads an lassies again(I think those Tigers there will take no persuading to join your choir,we still haven't forgiven wing nut for leaving Tigers and then beating us at Murratfield a couple of years ago.) 8)
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by BaggyTrousers »

At the risk of repeating myself, there really is mileage in getting the neutral onside, I've seen it happen, players win the games on the pitch but if we can make it sound like a home game..................... well it'll not do any harm.

On the other hand if you turn up like drunken arsehole & spew forth ballix .............. :duh:
NEVER MOVE ON. Years on, I cannot ever watch Ireland with anything but indifference, I continue to wish for the imminent death of Donal Spring, the FIRFUC's executioner of Wee Paddy & Wee Stu, and I hate the FIRFUCs with undiminished passion.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by BaggyTrousers »

tigerburnie wrote:Good luck lads an lassies again(I think those Tigers there will take no persuading to join your choir,we still haven't forgiven wing nut for leaving Tigers and then beating us at Murratfield a couple of years ago.) 8)
Don't know how you could bare to have such a plugly barsteward on your team :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
NEVER MOVE ON. Years on, I cannot ever watch Ireland with anything but indifference, I continue to wish for the imminent death of Donal Spring, the FIRFUC's executioner of Wee Paddy & Wee Stu, and I hate the FIRFUCs with undiminished passion.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Rooster »

BaggyTrousers wrote:At the risk of repeating myself, there really is mileage in getting the neutral onside, I've seen it happen, players win the games on the pitch but if we can make it sound like a home game..................... well it'll not do any harm.

On the other hand if you turn up like drunken arsehole & spew forth ballix .............. :duh:
Prime example of that was during the RWC France v New Zealand match in Cardiff, stadium was at least half full with Irish supporters, thought Ireland would be there :roll: , but vast majority if not all got behind the French that night and cheered them through the final stages of that match.
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Re: The Fall of the Mexican Empire – May 2012

Post by Dublin4 »


I quake in my boots. My team consist of, er, imposters and ladyboys. Why was I fooled into buying a season ticket year after year? I was only imagining they played great rugby. Now I know. :bowdown:
I want to know, is there is any point in Leinster even turning up next week?
Have we even one player who could give Ulster a game? :scratch:
Should we put Brad Thorn on the plane back to Japan now? Should Joe go to Auckland and cut his losses before he's found out at Twickers? I want to know.
Even our fair play award was a fraud. I used to admire Leo, now I want to know.
Would a human sacrifice help? It didn't do much to save the Aztecs, did it? :banghead:
Put me out of my misery, Baggy. How do I unload the tickets before the Conquistadores arrive?
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