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Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 6:06 am
by Tender
Small minded humans have been following gods for years. People who are frightened to acknowledge that life is totally meaningless. That they alone are responsible for their own happiness and the Big One...This is it. It’s all you’re getting and when you’re Dead, you don’t get to go to be with yer dead relatives in heaven or hell. When you die, th th th th that’s all folks.
The book called The Bible is crap. Leo Tolstoy’s better half cobbled together a much superior read from the piles of notes he’d scribbled down while he was either on the crapper, or waiting on Ulster winning some silverware.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:26 am
by BaggyTrousers
Shan wrote:No Baggy. Some Christians believe the bible is the literal word of God. I have no issue with that. They are wrong as it is just a book written by various ordinary humans. However they are entitled to be wrong just as we all are. I don't care what folk believe as long as they don't expect any privilege for these beliefs. Humans have been following Gods for thousands of years. The Christian God is just another one in a long list.

You are a tolerant man Shan, never been a strong point of mine I must say. I mean fûck, I can laugh at their clownishness and pat their little heads, but surely we need a grand gesture to expose these lying charlatans.

Burn a church with a selection of the highest and holiest stowed inside led by the Pope in a chorus of “nearer my god to thee” whilst the baying mob throw Molotov cocktails and shout with scorn, “give my regards to your great great great grandmother when you meet her”. :D

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:31 am
by BaggyTrousers
And another thing my lad, themins as wrote the Bible were no ordinary human beings, them boys would haven given J K Rowling, H G Wells and J R R Tolkien a run for their money, top class fantasy, short on fact long on dramatic flourishes. >EW

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:52 am
by Shan
BaggyTrousers wrote:
You are a tolerant man Shan, never been a strong point of mine I must say. I mean fûck, I can laugh at their clownishness and pat their little heads, but surely we need a grand gesture to expose these lying charlatans.

Burn a church with a selection of the highest and holiest stowed inside led by the Pope in a chorus of “nearer my god to thee” whilst the baying mob throw Molotov cocktails and shout with scorn, “give my regards to your great great great grandmother when you meet her”. :D
Christians are pretty resilient. Even when they were thrown to the lions they came back for more. I kind of admire such devotion even if I don't agree with the premise of their conviction.

What I don't admire is the way they still even today they exercise authority in public matters. This is what needs to be destroyed. Not their freedom to go about their lawful business and certainly not them or their property you old dog. :D

The road to harmony is through freedom. It is also through ensuring everybody understands the rules of engagement related to that freedom.

Thought I'd finish with a nice line. :D

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:55 am
by Shan
BaggyTrousers wrote:And another thing my lad, themins as wrote the Bible were no ordinary human beings, them boys would haven given J K Rowling, H G Wells and J R R Tolkien a run for their money, top class fantasy, short on fact long on dramatic flourishes. >EW
To be honest if it was just another run of the mill historical account it probably would not have stood the test of time. It is a hugely significant piece of literature regardless of one's opinion on the veracity of its contents.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:19 am
by BaggyTrousers
Shan wrote:
BaggyTrousers wrote:
You are a tolerant man Shan, never been a strong point of mine I must say. I mean fûck, I can laugh at their clownishness and pat their little heads, but surely we need a grand gesture to expose these lying charlatans.

Burn a church with a selection of the highest and holiest stowed inside led by the Pope in a chorus of “nearer my god to thee” whilst the baying mob throw Molotov cocktails and shout with scorn, “give my regards to your great great great grandmother when you meet her”. :D
Christians are pretty resilient. Even when they were thrown to the lions they came back for more. I kind of admire such devotion even if I don't agree with the premise of their conviction.

What I don't admire is the way they still even today they exercise authority in public matters. This is what needs to be destroyed. Not their freedom to go about their lawful business and certainly not them or their property you old dog. :D

The road to harmony is through freedom. It is also through ensuring everybody understands the rules of engagement related to that freedom.

Thought I'd finish with a nice line. :D
Confucius lives on in you, young glasshoppa.

LOOK ................ loved the Christians and Lions yarn, reminded me of a classic Paisley joke. Many here will have heard it, possibly yourself included but sure I'll give it another airing.

You may know Dr Paisley was not fond of cinema or such indulgent frippery but he was persuaded to go to the Tonic in Bangor (historical namecheck) to see Charlton Heston in Ben Hur. All is going well until that famous scene where Christians are being thrown to the lions.

The big man starts to tut loudly, then unable to contain himself, roars aloud, "that is a disgrayace, that is an absolute disgrayace." The film stops the light comes on and an usher approaches the man in the dog collar who is foaming at the mouth.

The usher clarifies what the problem is and with some smart thinking advises the big man, "Dr Paisley you know this all took place before there were pradasints?" Paisley considers this and nods, "OK carry on then young man".

The lights go down, the screen lights and its game on again.

A few minutes later, the big man cannot contain himself, "that is a disgrayace, that is an absolute disgrayace." The usher rushes down again hoping to keep the film going.

"Dr Paisley, I told you, they are all catholics."
"I know that"
"well, what is wrong then Dr Paisley?"

Quivering with indignation the Big Man extends and arm and points to the right of the screen, "Look over there" he says "There's a lion over there doing nathin'".

Anyway, I cannot extend the same level of tolerance, you seem to treat them as harmless entities. It's not that Christianity and similar mass muddleheadedness promulgating belief systems do no damage old boy. Just keep your eyes open, watch the next news bulletin and if there isn't a war somewhere about whose version of a big beardie is clearly the best and everyone else needs to feck off and literally die ............or we'll kill them.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:02 pm
by Shan
BaggyTrousers wrote: Anyway, I cannot extend the same level of tolerance, you seem to treat them as harmless entities. It's not that Christianity and similar mass muddleheadedness promulgating belief systems do no damage old boy. Just keep your eyes open, watch the next news bulletin and if there isn't a war somewhere about whose version of a big beardie is clearly the best and everyone else needs to feck off and literally die ............or we'll kill them.
That isn't what I said. I was quite clear that I do not think of them as harmless entities. It's more complex and both believers and non believers shouting the odds isn't of much value.....though I don't deny the attraction to such an action.

Oh and liked the Paisley joke. :D

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:02 pm
by big mervyn
Yep. Paisley gag was a cracker.

Somebody should publish a volume of Paisley jokes. There's been some good ones in the last half century.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:45 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Shan wrote:
BaggyTrousers wrote: Anyway, I cannot extend the same level of tolerance, you seem to treat them as harmless entities. It's not that Christianity and similar mass muddleheadedness promulgating belief systems do no damage old boy. Just keep your eyes open, watch the next news bulletin and if there isn't a war somewhere about whose version of a big beardie is clearly the best and everyone else needs to feck off and literally die ............or we'll kill them.
That isn't what I said. I was quite clear that I do not think of them as harmless entities. It's more complex and both believers and non believers shouting the odds isn't of much value.....though I don't deny the attraction to such an action.

Oh and liked the Paisley joke. :D
Aye, fair enough so horse, still think if every good man with the greater good at heart burned a church each we'd be doing the world a favour, not just Christians of course, I'd happily drop a 300-ton bomb on Jerusalem (after the Seppo embassy moves) and another on Mecca. A dose of ricin delivered to the L Ron Hubbard shower would be appropriate too.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 6:57 pm
by BaggyTrousers
So Doctor Paisley is leading a parade in Ahoghill wan 12th July morning, he's got his bowler, his dog collar, a fine looking sash and to cap it all he's at the head of the band riding a big white horse, reminiscent of good king bill himself.

Amongst the onlookers, or as we call them, coat-trailing jaffabastards, are Sammy & Willie-John. Willie-John is a more traditional pradasint, he prefers his preachers carrying a sword and a bible rather than making a full-on show on a big white horse.

Says Willie-John: Boys oh Sam'l, would you look at the big kunt on that horse, thon's desspert so it is.

Says Saml, Ah doubt Willie-John ye may get til Specsavers themarra for that horse is a stallion.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:09 pm
by Shan
BaggyTrousers wrote:
Shan wrote: I'd happily drop a 300-ton bomb on Jerusalem (after the Seppo embassy moves) and another on Mecca. A dose of ricin delivered to the L Ron Hubbard shower would be appropriate too.

Feck you Baggy. You keep pushing until you find a soft link in the chain.

In the interests of not going mad I'll refrain from posting my opinions about the whole middle east region and the clownish folk who follow even more obviously manufactured "religions" than the more traditional ones.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 4:02 am
by Shan
Romani Enterprises CEO showing his true colours. Despite the disgusting nature of his statement I am rather amused by his desire for proof. With any luck the good folk of Chile will stop buying this particular retailer's products as thankfully many of my fellow Irish have done in recent times.

Pope Francis has accused victims of Chile’s most notorious paedophile of slander, in an astonishing end to a visit meant to help heal the wounds of a sex abuse scandal that has cost the Catholic Church its credibility in the country.

Francis said that until he sees proof that Bishop Juan Barros was complicit in covering up the sex crimes of the Reverend Fernando Karadima, such accusations against the bishop are “all calumny”

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:43 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Yep this senile ould pontiff was sold as a paeodophile for all Romans, I’m sorry that should have been Pope, a simple humble man. When they described him as simple I thought they meant ordinary not that they couldn’t be fluttered putting ton on the end.

Classic Church of Rome, they ask you to buy a pile of lies and fantasies based on the rantings of a few crazed desert dwelling loons but accuse one of being a sick kiddie fiddling motherfûcker and they want definite proof. Away and ride yer hand you Argiebastard.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 12:45 pm
by BaggyTrousers
I see the old fool has been rebuked by some cardinal for the outrageous ballix he chuntered.

Re: Biblical matters

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:44 am
by Dave