Tory Leadership Thread

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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by BaggyTrousers »

So David Davis to BRexit, how facesitting.....yeah facesitting.

Fackin Boris eh? Amongst the most dispised men in the UK. So the man who Barrenness May derided for his three nearly new water canon is tasked with not pissingoff foreigners. :roll: Must have been a close run thing between dePeffel and Dukie Embra.

Gove, any mention ?

Gideon out :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

BaggyTrousers wrote:So David Davis to BRexit, how facesitting.....yeah facesitting.

Fackin Boris eh? Amongst the most dispised men in the UK. So the man who Barrenness May derided for his three nearly new water canon is tasked with not pissingoff foreigners. :roll: Must have been a close run thing between dePeffel and Dukie Embra.

Gove, any mention ?

Gideon out :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't you really wish you were at home for this?

I'm liking the cut of Mrs May's jib so far. She has clearly set out her stall to occupy the middle ground vacated by Jezza's Revolutionary People's Marxist Liberation Front and the rump formerly known as the Liberal Democrats. There may be hope for a chap such as myself who favours inclusive political policies and has a desire to see a strong, just and equitable social agenda. I may just be able to go along with this Tory government.
Not forgetting that there may be an option for Russ to come out as a Tory, after all this time masquerading as a Liberal.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by big mervyn »

Theresa's doing as bit of masquerading herself if you ask me.

That speech outside No 10 was comedy gold - brought back memories of Thatcher quoting St Francis.

Even if it were genuine, she has a a right shower of barstewards to keep in check, with a majority of less than a dozen.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

big mervyn wrote:Theresa's doing as bit of masquerading herself if you ask me.

That speech outside No 10 was comedy gold - brought back memories of Thatcher quoting St Francis.

Even if it were genuine, she has a a right shower of barstewards to keep in check, with a majority of less than a dozen.
I think she was genuine, genuinely prudent. She has always been on the left of the Tory party with a sense of social justice and that speech was directly aimed at disgruntled right wing labour voters. As for her cabinet, I think she will be like Thatcher inasmuch as she will be the boss. She'll have to be to keep control of the loonies in the party.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by big mervyn »

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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by mikerob »

I'm still highly suspicious of May's authoritarian tendencies but the cabinet appointments are quite cunning.

There are a limited number of pro-leave Conservative MPs who aren't total swivel eyed loons but May has appointed some of them to be responsible for delivering the super duper future they claimed would happen following Brexit.

When the future doesn't turn out to be as super duper as claimed then the pro-leave ministers can be blamed and will be neutralised as future opposition.

Boris as foreign secretary is probably because it is better to have him inside the tent p!ssing out than the other way around. How much damage can he do as foreign secretary anyway? OK, the UK could end up in a war if he says the wrong thing but he can't be as bad as Tony Blair when it comes to getting into war... can he...?
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

This is typically simplistic, sensationalist journalism which all the papers now seem to prefer to proper time consuming analysis.
It's easy to pick holes in any politicians record when you don't take the time to examine all of her record or the reasons why she voted the way she did. How many of those votes were free, how many where whipped and how many lines? A proper investigation would take time.

She has set out her stall. Let's see what she delivers.

NB. I see when i read down through the comments that most of what I have said has been addressed by others.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Gary »

Mrs May has been described as being a safe pair of hands and a bit of a boring choice.

On her first day she appoints, as head of our diplomatic service, a man whose previous utterances include -

Describing our Commonwealth friends as "'flag waving piccaninnies"

Written a poem about the Turkish President having sex with a goat.

Claimed "blacks have lower IQs"

Either our new PM is a walking disaster area or she has a much better sense of humour than anyone thought.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

I think Boris has been set up for failure. He's legendary for not reading his briefs and generally going off script. Appointing him has appeased his supporters and when he makes a hash of it, he'll be gone tout suite. Get the BoJo issue dealt with asap.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Neil F »

Snipe Watson wrote:I think Boris has been set up for failure. He's legendary for not reading his briefs and generally going off script. Appointing him has appeased his supporters and when he makes a hash of it, he'll be gone tout suite. Get the BoJo issue dealt with asap.
I see where you're coming from but if you're right... We're talking about a man who publicly stated his support of re-colonising Africa as a development strategy for the continent, for feck sake. Sucking up to his audience or not, that is just appalling. And let's not forget the time he used the Aeneid to justify Israeli human rights abuses. Or all of those other things Gary mentions... The costs of Boris fecking up the role are potentially enormous, whilst the probability is actually rather high. That's a high price to pay for taking out a political foe and quite reflective of everything that is - and always has been - wrong with the Tories... Smart move? Sure. Ludicrously short-term and myopic? Absolutely!
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

Neil F wrote:
Snipe Watson wrote:I think Boris has been set up for failure. He's legendary for not reading his briefs and generally going off script. Appointing him has appeased his supporters and when he makes a hash of it, he'll be gone tout suite. Get the BoJo issue dealt with asap.
I see where you're coming from but if you're right... We're talking about a man who publicly stated his support of re-colonising Africa as a development strategy for the continent, for feck sake. The costs of Boris fecking up the role are potentially enormous. That's a high price to pay for taking out a political foe and quite reflective of everything that is - and always has been - wrong with the Tories... Smart move? Sure. Ludicrously short-term and myopic? Absolutely!
It has the potential to be a car crash all right.
I don't know the internal politics of the Tory party, but given how popular Boris was before the reality of him being PM finally settled in, he probably had to get a major post. The first thing we do know about Theresa May as PM is that she is ruthless.
I can imagine that Boris is on a short leash, has been so advised and may have a "minder".
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by mikerob »

The probability of Boris fecking up is 100% but what does the Foreign Secretary do anyway?

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office isn't what it was in the days of Empire when it meant sending out gunboats to keep Johnny Foreigner from getting too uppity.

Expect Boris to be kept under a tight leash and be sent out on meaningless fly the flag trips. He'll still feck up of course, but it won't really matter as his minders will just clean up the mess.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

Gove is a gonner.
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Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by Snipe Watson »

mikerob wrote:The probability of Boris fecking up is 100% but what does the Foreign Secretary do anyway?

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office isn't what it was in the days of Empire when it meant sending out gunboats to keep Johnny Foreigner from getting too uppity.

Expect Boris to be kept under a tight leash and be sent out on meaningless fly the flag trips. He'll still feck up of course, but it won't really matter as his minders will just clean up the mess.
I agree Mike. A glorified trade envoy.

Re: Tory Leadership Thread

Post by bazzaj »

After the referendum I said i was beginning to regret voting to leave as all the chaos ensued we seemed rudderless.
I kind of forgot the reasons why I voted to leave in the first place.

Farage love him or loathe him is one of the most significant political figures in the UK this century.
When he was first appointed leader his party manifesto was pulled apart by Paxman.
Farage just simply said that the only thing Ukip wanted to deliver was a referendum on Europe as he was under no illusions that they would not achieve power.

Not only that but in doing so they have achieved complete political upheaval which was what they also wanted.
For too long the fat political cats have been creaming it from Brussels and expenses.
Political comfort on easy Street and nothing ever changed.
The working man had no voice which was removed by new Labour.

For the first time the referendum gave people a say without the appalling proptional representation system.
Their vote suddenly mattered and counted.
With the Ukip fox having been released in parliaments hen coup, those with no political back bone have bottled it and those with dilusions of grandeur at all cost, have been exposed.

People like Osbourne have gone who was so out of touch with the electorate that he thought the best way to convince them to get on board was to threaten them with punishment tax.
Good riddance.

We now know who is who.
People are talking politics with interest now rather than.the apathy that existed pre referendum.

Labour may have significant upheaval ahead but as they say a week is a long time in politics.
They will hopefully be the long term winners as a true voice of the people, ridding themselves of their appalling Blairites.
Good riddance.

The legacy of the referendum will not be just be about leaving the EU or immigration but the complete political overhaul that came with it.
That I sense is truly what the leave voters wanted in order for change and their voice back.
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