My mum has both BT Sports & Sky Sports but I would have no idea how to even record a game let alone somehow put it up here. And as I have neither she will have to put up with me, including providing Sunday dinner, when I call in on me bicycle on Sunday for Leicester v Munster at 5.30pm.
HwoodMike2umate wrote:My mum has both BT Sports & Sky Sports but I would have no idea how to even record a game let alone somehow put it up here. And as I have neither she will have to put up with me, including providing Sunday dinner, when I call in on me bicycle on Sunday for Leicester v Munster at 5.30pm.
I like that, half a match, just like Ulster who forgot the set piece, restarts and defence.
NEVER MOVE ON. Years on, I cannot ever watch Ireland with anything but indifference, I continue to wish for the imminent death of Donal Spring, the FIRFUC's executioner of Wee Paddy & Wee Stu, and I hate the FIRFUCs with undiminished passion.
A bit late, well actually a week late after threats of KFC last week, don't blame me for first half and just go straight to the second half if you have any sense.
Ulster v Munster 01/01/2018
“That made me feel very special and underlined to me that Ulster is more than a team, it is a community and a rugby family" Rory Best